Friday, May 3, 2013

retrieved from on 5/3/2013

Authored by: Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
Photographs by: Sylvia Vardell
Published by:
Year: 2011
Kindle Version

Critical Analysis:
In this anthology pictures provided by author Sylvia Vardell, are the inspiration for a lively game of poetry tag. The rules: a poet it tagged, the poet chooses a photo from a photo library found at, the poet writes a poem inspired by the photo, the next poet must incorporate three words from the previous poem into his or her poem to keep the poems connected, the poet writes a short prose “connection” piece explaining how the poem came to be, the poet tags another poet and so on….
This totally electronic book is absolutely amazing! Specifically geared toward the teen age crowd, this eBook coincides with a poetry blog for teens and totally meets them where they are. Sometimes gritty, sometimes funny, and sometimes requiring a second peruse, or a third, the poems in this book speak to the complicated lives of teenagers. Poems like Ordinary resonate with those that struggle to be seen and heard while Broken might speak of the anger of a shattered relationship that may never be whole again. The feelings evoked can be intense and confusing just like those found within the teenage heart and mind.
Some of the poems are difficult to understand but that does not negate their beauty. The explanations of the poets thoughts about the photos that are to be found before each poem often help the reader to visualize the meaning while the three words that connect one poem to another add a bit of fragile continuity.
While not an easy read, it is my opinion that it isn't meant to be. After all, if it is an anthology of poetry geared toward the teenage heart and mind it shouldn't be easy. They are a complicated mix of adult, child, and someone in between so this book suits them. Kimberly Marcus’ poem Stamped is a perfect example of the complexity of teenage lives, fragile loves, intense thoughts and strong feelings.

                                                                I sealed my heart
                                                                fragile, handle with care,
                                                                added sufficient postage
                                                                from every smooth look you
                                                                sent my way,
                                                                the appropriate address of
                                                                a rush delivery of heat.

                                                                But I failed to insure it
                                                                against damages incurred           
                                                                from your cold, flat rate

This book definitely is a great way to entice students to write a classroom anthology during National Poetry Month. Bring in a group of photographs, artwork, and objects to class. Allow student
s to choose one and then explain the rules and have them write a poem about the object they chose. Be sure to remind them to borrow three words from the poem of a classmate. This may take the entire month as someone has to go first and then tag someone else. Be sure to have plenty of poetry books available to help students develop ideas about the form and voice they want to use.

Salting the Ocean: 100 Poems by Young Poets
retrieved from on 4/3/2013
Selected by: Naomi Shihab Nye
Illustrated by: Ashley Bryan
Published by: Greenwillow Books
Year: 2000
ISBN: 0688161936

Critical Analysis:
Collected by Naomi Shihab Nye during 25 years of teaching, this collection of poetry was written by students ranging in age from six to eighteen. It is loosely arranged in four separate categories; The Self and the Inner World; Where We Live; Anybody’s Family; and The Wide Imagination. An introduction in three parts allows the reader to share the long journey that led to the compilation of this book first by thanking a couple in Nova Scotia that Nye met before beginning her teaching journey. Secondly by speaking to the teachers, librarians, parents and friends that might read this book about the importance of finding a sense of one’s own voice and third by thanking the writers for being brave enough to share something of themselves within each poem. The suggestions for further reading is particularly useful to teachers and librarians while the index of poems at the end of the book offers further insight into the lives of some of the poets, thus adding depth and meaning to their words.
The few illustrations enhance the cultural richness of the poetry and add greater depth to the work.
While many of the poems are simplistic in nature, as is typical of young authors, others are rich in figurative language and sense imagery like the words of Rachel M. Reynolds

                                                                      in my mind.
                                                                      Traffic jams
                                                                      of sentences,
                                                                      and bubbling,
                                                                      in the cauldron of my mind.
                                                                      All I can do
                                                                      is think
                                                                      and write.
                                                                      Breathe deeply,
                                                                      and let your feelings flow
                                                                      onto the page.
                                                                      Let your mind fill
                                                                      with ideas.
                                                                      Let them bolt
                                                                      through your pencil,
                                                                      with enormous
                                                                      onto your paper.
                                                                      has her own way of living.
                                                                      Let her live
                                                                      in peace.
Still others show great depth of feeling and have a deep, emotional impact on the reader. This is the case with the poem by butch McElroy. While seemingly simplistic, the start emotion that flows through his words onto the page is unmistakable and beautiful.

We had a
“Most commonly misspelled word”
Spelling test
Yesterday in English,
Fourth Period.
I commonly misspelled them all.
Except one.
was the only one I got right.

This is definitely an anthology that invites readers to be as brave as the poets within its pages. You can practically hear it begging the reader to let free their inner poet. Well done.
Awards, Honors, and Prizes:
Best Children’s Books of the Year, 2000; Banks Street College of Education; United States
Capitol Choices, 2000; The Capitol Choice Committee; United States
Kaleidosope, a Multicultural Booklist for Grades K-8, Fourth Editon, 2003; National Council of Teachers of English; United States

ELA connection: Share this book of poetry to help students believe that they are poets just like the children in this book
Introduce the poetry in this book along with the book A Kick in the Head compiled by Paul B. Janeczko. Explore the different forms of poetry and see which poems in Salting the Ocean are written in the same form as those introduced in Janeczko’s book.
Social Studies connection: share the poetry in this book. Point out the different names and cultures of the poets. Explore the idea that many thoughts and feelings are universal and that differences in culture, race, religion, and country do not change how we are the same beneath the skin. Encourage students to write and share their own poetry. Celebrate the sameness and the differentness of each individual to the other. 

retrieved from on 5/3/2013
A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms
Selected by: Paul B. Janeczko
Illustrated by: Chris Raschka
Published by: Candlewich Press
Year: 2005
ISBN: 0763606626

Critical Analysis:
This colorfully illustrated selection of poems aptly demonstrates 29 poetic forms in creative, sometimes amusing, and sometimes poignant ways. From the humorous couplet The Mule by Ogden Nash, to the somber elegy Little Elegy (for a child who skipped rope) by X. J. Kennedy, and the heartbreaking list poem The Paper Trail by Georgia Heard, each poem demonstrates a different poetic format in a well written and creative way. Each form is clearly and simply described, although in very tiny print, at the bottom of the page. A further explanation is given in a simple glossary at the back of the book. Raschka also gives visual clues using clever illustrations that remind the reader of the poetic form for that particular poem.
Janeczko has chosen a variety of poets to demonstrate how to follow the rules (or not) of a particular poetic form with choices ranging from contemporary poets like April Halprin to older classics such as Shakespeare and William Blake. He is careful to state in his introduction that poets sometimes follow the spirit of the form rather than the written rules giving children and adults alike, permission to experiment.
Lots of white space on each page makes for easy reading while the visual clues cleverly created by the illustrator aid the reader in remembering what each form contains. An index at the front of the book makes it easy for the reader to find a particular format and the glossary at the back adds further information. It is a bit unfortunate that the description of each form is in such tiny print and might be easily overlooked by the reader if they have not read the author’s introduction.
This is a great book for all ages, well put together, beautifully illustrated, and a perfect accompaniment to the classroom or library.

Awards, Honors, Prizes:
Claudia Lewis Award, 2006 Winner United States
Lupine Award, 2005 Winner Picture Book Maine
Parents’ Choice Award, 2005 Gold Picture Books United States
Booklist Book Review Stars, Mar. 15, 2005; American Library Association; United States
Kirkus Best Children’s Books, 2005; Kirkus Reviews; United States
Notable Children’s Books, 2006; ALSC American Library Association; United States
Publishers Weekly Book Review Stars, March 14, 2005; Cahners; United States
School Library Journal Best Books, 2005; Cahners; United States

Utilize this book to discuss poetic forms in an ELA unit on poetry; Have students each choose a different form, read poems that fall within that category, experiment with writing their own poetry in the form they chose, create a classroom anthology.

Choose selected poems to match lessons in other subjects. For example: when studying about the Vietnam War in history read Whispers to the Wall by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, or when learning about different forms of music read The Shooting of Dan McGrew by Robert W. Service.
Share Back to School Blues by Bobbi Katz on the first day of class to help students transition to a new teacher or new school. One could also use a list poem in science class to create a poem about the different characteristics of whatever is being studied. For example: after researching the different characteristics of the various planets.  Have the students create a list poem about each planet to reinforce the facts about each one.
Slug File by Avis Harley is a wonderful example of a list poem. It would be great to use in a lesson about noticing the characteristics of an animal, planet, or element. It would even be a great way to introduce students to each other at the beginning of the school year.

                                                                Home Address:
                                                                                “Shady Lawn”

                                                                Working Hours:
                                                                                dusk ‘til dawn

                                                                                likes to climb

                                                                Special Skills:
                                                                                making slime

                                                                                midnight thief

                                                                Favorite Food:
                                                                                salad leaf

                                                                Color Choice:
                                                                                veggie green

                                                                Height and Weight:
                                                                                long and lean

                                                                Next of Kin:
                                                                                Mollusc clan


Other Works by This Author:
 A Poke in the I; Turtleback Press; 2005; 9781417689538
Blushing; Orchard Books; 2004; 9780439530569
Brickyard Summer; Orchard Books; 1989; 9780531084465
Dirty Laundry Pile; HarperCollins; 2001; 9780688162511
Going Over to Your Place; Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing; 1987; 9780027476705
Good for a Laugh; Scholastic Inc.; 1948; 9780439409636
The Place My Words are Looking For; Simon & Schuster; 1990; 9780027476712