Title: Nory Ryan’s Song
Author: Patricia Reilly Giff
Publisher: Random House
Place: New York, New York
Year: 2000
ISBN: 9780307538987
Plot Summary:
English landlords tax the land her family owned for generations. They
take what they want when they want and no Irish dare stand in their way. Folks
get by on what they can. If they are lucky they own a pig or cow. They can
always rely on the potato crops to feed hungry bellies until now. The potatoes
are rotting in the ground and folks are starving. With her da gone fishing to make the rent
money and her older sister off to America to start a new life 12 year old Nory
must try to find something for her family to eat. Is she strong enough to keep
hope alive as she struggles to scavenge what food she can wherever she can?
Will her family survive until they can all be together again? Will her dream of
the family being together in America become a reality? Patricia Reilly Giff’s
riveting story will keep you enthralled until the very end.
Critical Analysis:
Giff’s glossary of terms adds clarity to the text while her letter to
the reader ties this work to modern times and lends a personal touch to this
poignantly written historical fiction. Accurate without overwhelming the reader
with dry dates and facts, Giff weaves a true to history tale with believable
characters, realistic plot, and the timeless ideals of strength of character,
unending love, and unfailing hope. Giff’s style draws the reader skillfully into
Nory’s world and allows one to feel her struggle with hunger, fear, and anger.
She skillfully weaves enough authentic language into the text as to lend the
work historical authenticity without making the text too difficult for the
young reader. A marvelous read!
"Giff meticulously re-creates the Great Hunger as she traces a
19th-century Irish girl's struggle to survive," PW wrote. Ages 8-12.
(Sept.) Publisher’s Weekly
Golden Kite Award, 2001, Honor Book Fiction
United States
Parent’s Choice Award, 2000, Gold Fiction United
Star Review August 2000 School Library Journal
Star Review June 15, 2000 Kirkus Review
Star Book Review September 15, 2000 American Library Association; United
Research and create a family tree
Read The Irish Dresser: A Story of Hope During The Great Hunger
by Cynthia G. Neale. Compare and contrast with Nory Ryan’s Song
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